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Orchard Trees and Supplies

Orchard Trees for Sale

In November, 2020, I had the following trees for sale, most are one year old whips.


To find out more about these apple varieties, check the following links:




Apple trees for sale:  M9 (dwarf): Grimes Golden, Newtown Pippin, Pig Aderyn, Rosa de Cluj, Wealthy, and Winesap


M26 (semi-dwarf): Ambrosia, Discovery, Laxton's Epicure, Grimes Golden, Honeygold, James Grieve, Melrose, Orin, and Santana


MM111 (3/4 standard): Brownlees Russet, Calville Blanc d'Hiver, Cortland Red, Haraldson, Newtown Pippin, and Prinzenapfel


The following are cider apple whips for sale:  MM111 Chisel Jersey, and MM111 Marechal


Crabapple trees for sale: M9 Dolgo, Wickson. M26 Hansen's Red-fleshed, John Downie; MM111 Dolgo, John Downie, Whitney


Note: at the moment Snowdrift is my favourite crabapple tree for pollenizing.  At blossom time it is covered with masses of white blossoms. The bees love it. From the Snowdrift they visit my other apple blossoms.


In the Fall, on a certain day, the robins know that the crabapples are ripe and they flock to the Snowdrift crabapple trees and devour the crabapples.  It takes about three days and all the Snowdrift crabapples are eaten. There is no mass of crabapples lying on the ground making a mess.


I have the following two-year old apple trees: M26 Ananas Reinette, M26 Ashmead's Kernel, MM111 Brownlees Russet, 

MM111 Cortland, M26 Cortland Red, MM111 D'Arcy Spice, MM111 Dr Harvey, M26 Laxton's Epicure, MM111 Frumos de Voinesta, M9 and M26 Fuji (Yataka), M26 and MM111 Hidden Rose aka Airlie Red Flesh, M9 Jefferis, M26 Orenco, MM111 Polly White Hair, MM111 Porter's Perfection, MM111 Prinzenapfel, M9 Spencer, M9 Summer June, M26 Chestnut crab apple, MM111 Hyslop crab apple.


Perry Pear trees for sale: Sold out! Perry Pears are used to make an alcoholic drink similar to (apple) cider.


Apple trees, crabapple trees, Pear trees and bees are not taxed.


  • Apple, crabapple, and Perry pear whips $35 each.

  • Branched apple and crabapple trees: $35 plus $1 a branch.

  • Blue Orchard Bees (live) available in February and March only. Twenty cocoons for $20 with five extras included for good luck so package will have 25 cocoons.


2022 Derry's Orchard & Nursery

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