Educational Events, Sales Events, Harvest Festivals in Western Canada in 2021
Feb 22, 2020
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free except for parking.
Winter Pruning in Victoria, B.C.
Saturday, February 22, 2020. Members of BCFTA will demonstrate winter pruning of apple trees at Royal Roads, Victoria 10 am to noon. No charge. Non BCFTA members welcomed.
Bring coins ($1) for parking!
Feb 29, 2020
10 am to 4 pm
Admission by donation
Seedy Saturday at VanDusen Botanical Garden
In the Floral Hall at 5151 Oak Street (at 37th Avenue), Vancouver.
Fruit Trees, Berries, and Shrubs will be out-of-doors on the south and west side of the Floral Hall
Seed Vendors will be inside the Floral Hall.
10.30 am: Corbin Manson works with the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC) to develop the next generation of environmental stewards. He has a BSc. in Natural Resources Conservation from the University of British Columbia and is passionate about facilitating progressive change in the natural resources management sector through youth empowerment. Joining him is Damian Assadi, a youth leader and recent recipient of the Together in Action award from ISCBC. Damian is a active parks steward that has contributed well over 100 hours to the stewardship of Vancouver’s unique and beautiful parks.
Intro to Invasive Species – BC Issues
This interactive presentation will include an introduction to invasive species ecology with a focus on issues in BC. This will be followed by a discussion of PlantWise, ISCBC’s behaviour change program targeted at gardeners, plant suppliers, and specifiers. We will cover several common invasive plants found in Lower Mainland gardens and recommend native or introduced non-invasive alternatives. We will conclude with three simple strategies any gardener can use to prevent the introduction and reduce the spread of invasive species.
12:00 noon NANCY WALLACE – Intro to Growing Microgreens
Nancy is an avid community gardener, a qualified Master Gardener
and a community centre program instructor
She is passionate about growing vegetable of all kinds, as well as sharing her knowledge with the general public.
Intro to Microgreens
Microgreens are seedlings harvested when the first true leaves appear. Come to a demo of how to grow Microgreens at home! We will provide you information on where to gather supplies, and the working knowledge of how to grow your own yummy Microgreens at home.
1.30 pm: Brian Campbell - Simple Techniques to Help Bees. Brian is a
Master Beekeeper. Brian has more than 20 years of experience keeping bees, all kinds of bees, honey bees, bumble bees, mason bees Bees are in trouble, especially bumble bees. and yes, even wasps. Brian is the seed product manager for West Coast Seeds where he creates and develops wildflower blends and other bee friendly products to support pollinator biodiversity. Brian is also Beeologist in Residence at the UBC Botanical Garden and has taught classes about bees and wasps at VanDusen Botanical Garden for over 15 years.
Bees are in trouble, especially bumble bees. Key to conserving pollinator diversity is forage and habitat. Learn easy gardening tips to support our vitally important bees and other pollinators, what flowers to plant and how to design your garden to maximize opportunities for bees. Plus we will look at simple nests to make at home to encourage and increase pollinator populations.
3.00 pm: Paul Buikema. Bartlet Tree Experts
Winter Damage and How to Rejuvenate Woody Plants
Spanning over three decades in different aspects of the industry, Paul was proud to be offered a chance to join the progressive scientific tree care team at Bartlett Tree Experts. Paul has been an ISA certified arborist and a TRAQ (tree risk assessment) qualified assessor for many years. Paul also helped develop the BC arborist apprentice program as a steering committee member and sometime subject matter expert. Always one to jump in to the mix, Paul also volunteers in the industry, currently on a number of committees at the BCLNA, and you can catch him leading arborist walks at Riverview hospital in Coquitlam or giving talks about pruning and other landscape-related talks at garden shows and clubs. While running his private business, he was recognized by the BCLNA with awards including young member of the apprentice program as a steering committee member and sometime subject matter expert. Always one to jump in to the mix, Paul also volunteers in the industry, currently on a number of committees at the BCLNA, and you can catch him leading arborist walks at Riverview hospital in Coquitlam or giving talks about pruning and other landscape-related talks at garden shows and clubs. While running his private business, he was recognized by the BCLNA with awards including young member of the year.
Catering: Mekdes Gete Catering Ethiopian food and treats.
Alpine Garden Club of B.C. www.ag-bc.ca
Bartlett Tree Experts
Buds 'n Petals Lisa Blair, Langley.
City Farmer 2150 Maple Street, Vancouver
Derry's Orchard & Nursery, Aldergrove. Apple tree whips, crab-apple whips,
cider apple whips, and the following Berries: Blueberries, Gooseberries, Black Currants, blackberries, grapes, strawberries.
Dragonfly Seeds
Edible Oasis
Farm Folk/City Folk
Fruit Tree Magic
Gloucester Green
Invasive Species Council of B.C. - latest info on the Japanese Beetle.
Salt Spring Seeds - new seed varieties
Seeds of Diversity www.seeds.ca
Spectrum Gardening
Urban Fruitery Laurelle Oldford-Down. Garden Design with a good selection of fruits and berries.
Vancouver Master Gardeners www.mgabc.org - vancouver.
VanDusen Botanical Garden
West Coast Seeds Certified Organic cover crops
Feb 22, 2020
9.30 am to 3.30 pm
Cost $59.99 plus GST plus $5 for Darts Hill
Pruning the Right Way
One session.
Everything you need to know about pruning. Learn the basic principles, selection and care of tools, references, and the pruning of specific plants. The morning session is in the classroom at Credo Christian High School, 21846 52 Avenue, Langley. The afternoon session is a field trip to Dart's Hill Garden on 16th Avenue and 170th Street in Surrey where you will see and learn, first hand, the practical techniques for pruning.
Your instructor, Mary Dunn, is one of the most experienced and respected gardening experts in B.C.
Mar 14, 2020
12 noon to 4 pm
Richmond Seedy Saturday sponsored by the Richmond Food Security Society
Cancelled due to COVID-19
It will take place at the Britannia Shipyards, Steveston, B.C.
For more information, contact coordinator@richmondfoodsecurity.org
This event is a very important event to educate the community on food security issues around the province. There will be a mix of seed, gardening and community group vendors as well as food, drink and music.
Vendors tba
Speaker: tba
Vendors: 2020 tba.
The following groups were at Richmond Seedy Saturday 2019.
BC Eco Seed Co-op (table and Presentation)
Derry's Orchard and Nursery
Edible Oasis
Farm Folk/City Folk/BC Seed Trials
Invasive Species Council
KPU Farm and Market
Richmond Seed Library
Richmond Garden Club
Richmond Public Library
Salt Spring Seeds
Sharing Farm
Steveston Stock and Seed Farm
The Local Farm
Thompson Community Centre
Urban Fruitery
Vancouver Master Gardeners
Mar 21, 2020
9.30 am to 12.30 noon
For BCFTA members only, but Membership is available at the door.
B C Fruit Testers. Spring Plant Sale and Annual General Meeting.
Cancelled due to COVID-19:
Saanich Exhibition Grounds, 1528 Stelly's Cross Road, Saanich, Vancouver Island.
Pre-ordered bareroot rootstocks and plants available for pick-up.
Cash table will have berry plants, vines, limited amount of root stocks, blueberries, currants, figs, goji, honeyberry plants, bareroot strawberries, raspberries and asparagus, grafting knives, grafting tape, paint pens, labels, and more.
Scionwood, both heritage and from the Summerland Varieties Corp will be available for purchase.
For transportation from Swartz Bay to the Exhibition Grounds, contact Derry Walsh ('contact us' at the end of this website before March 7)
for more information: www.bcfta.ca
Mar 29, 2020
$50 if paid before March 25, or $60 if after March 25 and at the door
Spring Affair - Vancouver Master Gardeners
Cancelled due to COVID-19:
Michael J Fox Theatre, 7373 Macpherson Avenue, Burnaby
This is an annual event sponsored by the Vancouver Master Gardeners. The Public are welcome.
Check out our inspiring and educational line up of speakers: tba
Apr 04, 2020
12 noon to 3 pm
Free Admission
Seedy Saturday at Historic Stewart Farm, 13723 Crescent Road, Surrey, B.C.
Cancelled due to COVID-19:
Buds 'n Petals
Derry's Orchard and Nursery
Urban Fruitery
Other Vendors to be announced when known
Apr 18, 2020
11 am to 3 pm
Free admission
DBG Fruit Growers Group Scionwood Exchange, Edmonton, Alberta.
At L Y Cairns School, 10510 45th Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta. 11 am to 3 pm in the school cafeteria.
for more information see https://dbgfruitgrowers.weebly.com
Apr 26, 2020
10 am to 4 pm
Free admission
VanDusen Botanical Garden Annual Plant Sale
Cancelled due to COVID-19:
5251 Oak Street (at 37th Avenue) Vancouver.
Perennials, Natives, Rhododendrons, fruit trees and berry plants, vines, fuchsias, begonias, potluck.
May 09, 2020
10 am to noon
Free admission
South Surrey Garden Club Plant Sale
Cancelled due to COVID-19:
St Mark's Anglican Church, 12952 - 20th Avenue, South Surrey.
Perennials, trees, shrubs, fruit trees, berry plants, vegetable plants, pond plants, garden ornaments, used tools.